Author: Matt Thompson

"Problem solver. Proud twitter specialist. Travel aficionado. Introvert. Coffee trailblazer. Professional zombie ninja. Extreme gamer."

England’s sporting challenges in 2022

EFE/EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga / POOL/Archives London, 29 Dec (EFE).- The holding of the Women’s European Championships in July and the Commonwealth Games between July and August and the diplomatic boycott decided at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be Britain’s main

What happened on January 19th?

On a day like today, January 19, 1943, Janis Joplin. The American rock and blues singer became a hippie and counterculture icon in the 1960s. And without leaving the field of music, also on January 19 but in 1946 another

Argusøyne på tenåringsbetaling – FinansFocus

FLGER MED: Seksjonssjef Olav Johannessen følger nøye med de nye betalingsappene etter hvert som nye grenseoverskridende tjenester tilbys. (Photo: Magne S. Otterdal/OBM) Finanstilsynet følger nøye med når nye grensekryssende betalingstjenester introduseres. Nylig lanserte appbanken Revolut Apple Pay mot tenåringsmarkedet. Text: